Archive for the 'mac stuff' Category

Why DID Apple Create the iTunes Music Store?

Wednesday, September 28th, 2005

Now think about this: If you buy your songs from the brick-and-mortar record store, or if you buy them from the iTMS, or if you copy them from your “friends” on your favorite darknet or public peer-to-peer network of choice, Apple’s still going to sell you an iPod to play them…. By getting into bed with the record labels and offering a way for people to download songs legally, Apple has given the labels very little ground to stand on as Apple trudges forward selling every song-pirate their favorite MP3 player.

I hate when technology doesn’t work

Monday, August 15th, 2005

Well, technology failed me tonight in many ways. John (Braun) and I went to record our latest podcast, and John’s cable modem was out due to a lightning storm. We use Skype to do the audio portion of our podcast (which, of course, is a key element!), and without a cable modem, we were in […]

Catching up from the Mac world

Tuesday, July 19th, 2005

Well, life’s been interesting lately. The podcast has been going amazingly well, to the point where it’s now something I feel like I *should* be doing to service the listeners. Thankfully, John and I are still enjoying the heck out of it, so we have no plans of stopping anytime soon! There was a Marketwatch […]

Joining yet another fray…

Thursday, June 16th, 2005

I realize I should have posted about this two days ago, but well, I’ve been too darned busy. In any event, I’ve begun podcasting. John Braun and I published the first edition of the Mac Geek Gab podcast over on TMO on Tuesday, and simply can’t wait to do the next one. I’m having so […]

Intel Inside a Mac? Don’t worry ’bout a thing…

Monday, June 6th, 2005

Well, though I mentioned it briefly (and dismissed it even faster) recently, it seems like today may be the day that we all hear that our future Macs will have the “Intel Inside” warning stickers pasted on them. And as I’ve been thinking about it more, I can’t say that it’s necessarily a bad thing. […]

The end of the Powerbook (as we know it)

Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

Well, it’s happening again. The rumor mill is spurring on stories about Apple switching processor platforms to Intel. Plenty of folks have their theories on what’s happening and why. I tend to agree with the folks that think Apple’s trying to send a public message to IBM, but it’ll all come out in the wash […]

iTunes Podcast approval required? Let’s hope we’re interpreting this wrong

Monday, May 23rd, 2005

Apple has demo’d a version of iTunes that allows access to podcasts, but reports indicate that podcasts need to be approved by Apple first. Let’s hope we’re reading that wrong.

At least they get some things right

Monday, May 23rd, 2005

Now, any of you who know me know that I’m certainly no Apple apologist, and rarely do I recommend that people switch platforms (either from Mac to PC or PC to Mac) — there’s a *lot* involved when changing religions there, and for most folks it’s not worth it. That said, I do find more […]