Archive for the 'mac stuff' Category

Live Coverage Rolling Again

Tuesday, August 7th, 2007

The Mac Observer will be on hand providing live coverage, if technically possible, and we look forward to seeing what happens.The “technically possible” part was complicated this time because Bryan, our on-site editor, recently converted to the iPhone, a device that technically doesn’t allow tethering — that is, using it as a wireless modem for a laptop. Thankfully, Michael Johnston of pointed us in the right direction and got Bryan set up with a WiFi-to-iPhone bridge that will hopefully allow him to post easily. and

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

I just wanted to take a quick minute this morning and let you all know about two publications we recently brought into the family here at BackBeat Media. is a site created and published by Michael Johnston, focusing directly on Apple’s latest gadget and its impact in the market. Already iPhoneAlley has posted some […]

Headed West to WWDC

Friday, June 8th, 2007

Tomorrow I head out to California for my first visit to WWDC, which runs all next week. I’ll have the opportunity while I’m there to get to speak to quite a few Mac developers, of course, and am also looking forward to attending more than a few sessions to increase my practical and background knowledge […]

On The Road Again

Friday, May 11th, 2007

On top of that, I’m looking forward to getting some time with Jeff Questad, another sales rep of ours based in Austin.I have a few other business matters to attend to down there, and am looking forward to some personal time catching up with my old friend, Lee Robin, of Computer NERDZ! I haven’t seen Lee in probably 4 or 5 years, and am eagerly looking forward to visiting with him and his family.More either from the road or once I’m back in New Hampshire, I’m sure.’s Persistent Search

Sunday, May 6th, 2007

I love it when I’m truly able to transcend my involvement/interest in a site we own and can simply use it the way it was intended. That happened yesterday with our site. The kids’ old (and initially free!) Windows machine is showing its age in that it’s simply not fast enough to keep up […]

Videator: Instant Light Show

Friday, January 26th, 2007

A few months before the party, Andrew Stone told me about this idea he had to use his Videator software to create a light show for the band…. From what I understand, this is an easy thing to as a one-man or even unmanned light show, perhaps perfect for local bands to enhance their visual appeal.

Name in Lights

Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

or rather next to the quotes…… Here; CBS News (and in the video on the sidebar)Washington Postand, of course, there were plenty of mentions of our staffers at TMO, too:John Martellaro mentioned at InfoWorldBryan Chaffin mentioned at the SacBeeJeff Gamet mentioned on the AP wire in many, many, many places.All in all, a fantastic week!

Macworld Expo: Where I’ll Be

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

It’s such a habit it almost rolls off the tongue without me thinking about it now, and it goes something like this: “Hey, happy new year, but I can’t talk now because I’m in a mad rush to get the last minute prep together for Macworld Expo.”… Braun and Chuck LaTournous to judge this fabulous event.Thursday, 1/11, 6pm: Mac Podcaster Meeting at the Apple Store with the likes of Adam Christianson, Andy Ihnatko, Leo Laporte, and more.

Covering ‘One More Thing’ For Seven Years

Thursday, December 28th, 2006

Over at TMO today is an article from me about our coverage of Steve Jobs keynote speeches over the years. So many people had asked us about exactly how we do what we do that we felt it was worth finally publishing.

Google Site-Specific Search Gets Better

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Over at The Mac Observer (and, indeed, at iPodObserver, as well), we’ve begun experimenting with Google’s Custom Search Engine, largely because it’s near impossible for a site the size of ours to implement a search engine that’s any better than what Google can do…. I noticed today that Colin Crawford mentioned that Macworld has done the same thing, for exactly the same reasons.It also seems like they’re having exactly the same problem we are (at least on TMO): Google’s not making the results IFRAME long enough to display all the results and the navigation controls in every instance.